leaving a legacy: the basics

We know there are hundreds of homes caring for orphans all over the continent of Africa. Each one of these homes is doing an amazing thing, and many of them are in dire need of some basic essentials. All are more than deserving of a helping hand.

The process starts with the careful selection of a home that is in need of items necessary for their little ones to grow up with simple, small dignities. These items can range anywhere from diapers, spoons and forks, or new mosquito nets – all the way to a new water heater, a construction team to help with renovations, a computer for administrative needs, or a micro-loan to start a sustainable garden or farm.

If you are part of a home in need, or would like to suggest a specific home and project, please visit our “what you can do” tab and fill out the correct form. All suggestions are welcomed, considered, and prayed about before any final decisions are made.

Once a home and specific project has been chosen, a monetary goal and timeline will be applied. This goal will be based upon the difficulty and expense of the chosen project. The Lucas Legacy then begins raising awareness and funds around this goal.

While we are always open to accept donations to continue supporting past completed projects, we will start allowing donations to be made for a new project at the time we begin funding for our goal.

Our donors and participants will be kept informed of progress as we move forward to the goal. All funds raised through sales will be applied to the mission at hand.

It is The Lucas Legacy’s right to postpone or extend the continuation of each specific project as we see fit. Due to high change rates in the countries we serve, we also reserve the right to terminate a project if no possible solution to a major problem can be found. An example of this happening would be if the African home in question disbanded or if they were found to be presenting information that was untrue or harmful to The Lucas Legacy community. Any funds raised for a terminated project will be used to support the next home chosen.

The Lucas Legacy is committed to working with trustworthy partners on the ground and in the countries where we work. Significant steps will be taken on the front end of each project to assure that we have positive and open communication with our partners in order to successfully bring each project to completion.

Many people are leery of giving “hand-outs” as foreign aid. However, we believe that a hand up is always welcomed by organizations that are doing overwhelming good for the most vulnerable of children.

The Lucas Legacy is a Christian organization based on Biblical beliefs. We do not discriminate against homes based on religion, and we believe every child is a child of God.

"And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday." Isaiah 58:10